Quitting smoking on your own is an ambitious and admirable task. However, setting such a goal can prolong your efforts a great deal and completely unnecessarily. Everything is better, when you’re not alone in it. Your chances increase many fold, when you have someone to encourage and support you in tough moments and who can remind you of your reasons for quitting.
Which quitting method is the most efficient?

How can a virtual character in my phone help me?
You may be wondering how this works. How can I confide to a therapist I have never seen and who exists in my phone only? The answer is not that deep as the app is based on clinical practice. Working with the virtual addictologist doesn’t differ much from seeing a real specialist. Tho whole program was developed by prominent foreign and Czech addiction treatment specialists with many years’ experience. They are aware of the fact that the majority of failures is caused by the lack of information about how human psyche works.
Adam uses methods that are regularly used in the treatment of addiction. Among these methods belong motivational conversations, collapse prevention, active listening, confidence boosting, working with emotions.
No sci-fi, real goals instead
We aren’t that foolish to believe you’ll put out your last cigarette by the end of today and your life will be much more beautiful from tomorrow on. We therefore start easy. Step by step. The whole process takes eight weeks and Adam will guide you on the journey.
How can Adam tell what kind of smoker I am?
All the smokers are not alike, they can be divided into five groups according to the level of their addiction. After you enter the app, Adam will identify the level of your addiction and your motivation to quit. You’ll get to know each other better via mutual conversations and his approach will be all the more personal as you confide in him.
Adam is a guide not a moral guard
Your mentor may be a digital one, but he communicates and acts like a real human. That’s because he was developed by addictologists with rich practice and experience. He’ll approach you in an emphatic, considerate and positive manner, he’ll support you and respect your opinions. And if you slip and light a cigarette in spite of your determination, he won’t punish nor judge you. Quite the opposite: together, you will try to reveal why that happened and how to prevent situations when you’d feel like smoking.