The first step is to search all the pockets, drawers and cupboards and get rid of even the most secret stocks. How to reduce smoking or even quit for good and get rid of your cravings in your head? The nicotine addiction is not a myth and 97% of smokers won’t succeed with their strong will only.
Deep-seated rituals
A cigarette while drinking your morning coffee on the balcony, on the way to the bus stop or while having a glass of wine with friends in the evening. When I’m done with this task, when I have my lunch, after work. To be able to focus, for better digestion, to be able to relieve myself. Do you recognize your ritual among all of those?

I want to quit but a gum is not enough for me
When we start doing one of our usual activities, our bodies long for a little dose of happiness in the form of a cigarette. Physical addiction can be managed in some cases. However, in case of a really strong addiction it is useful to be ready and have some anti-smoking device at hand. It can be a gum, spray or nicotine lozenges. It will help your body to appease the need for nicotine and you can repeat that several times a day. However, your head can’t be deceived that easily as strong mental bond to habits and rituals may be the reason it hadn’t worked out with the gums so far and your previous attempts to quit had failed.
How to boost the change in your head
Smoking is a strong addiction and it is natural that you aren’t able to quit overnight. It’s natural that your cravings can’t be beaten after one visit in the pharmacy, that you won’t be able to quit on your own and you search for a professional help. Actually, only 3 people out of 100 can successfully quit on their own. However, there is a thing you can do right now and that will help you to increase your chances of success up to six times. Imagine you’re not alone in it as the virtual therapist is ready to help you with the withdrawal symptoms and rituals you associate with cigarettes.
Get ready for the triggers
It is certain that your rituals and habits will be repeated and that your cravings will return in specific situations. You can get well prepared for such triggers with the help of the Adiquit app, which can support you in critical moments. Adam, your virtual addictologist, will become your sidekick and motivator who reminds you of your reasons for quitting.
“Quitting is not difficult, but enduring is.”
– Adam Kulhánek, the addictologist and an author of the Adiquit app